
Turning insights into action

Future Monitoring, or FuMo, is a new method for global media monitoring and research that we developed to help clients turn insights into action. This method combines data-driven insights with hands-on analysis, creating results that are more extensive and more applicable to the current situation than traditional media analysis. Great communication requires insightful and trustworthy information. FuMo draws insights from real data and generates a clear roadmap, put together by experts.

Case description

What we did

In today’s fast-paced public discourse, knowledge and insights are vital parts of the work to get ahead – and staying there. Keeping an ear to the ground, and listening intently, can help turn reactive action into proactive positioning. When working with our biggest clients, we recognized a definite room for improvement in this area. Organizations were looking to the past and connecting the dots, without generating insights to try to predict the future. Thus, the idea for FuMo was born.

Traditional media analysis estimates the impact of a certain topic in mainstream and social media. This generates fairly limited results, which may inhibit the decision-making process. FuMo takes a broader approach, gathering data from more sources and digging deeper into the complex media landscape, in order to capture more of the public discourse around an issue. Based on the topic in question, FuMo constructs unique search queries to capture all aspects of the issue, resulting in a more cohesive picture of public discourse around an issue – making decision-making so much easier.

Traditional media analysis is usually based on a set of narrow search parameters, rendering a skewed picture of how people are talking about an issue. Lacking a more extensive dataset, it throws into question the validity of the “answers” the analysis provides. Without real depth, it can only scrape the surface; any attempts at more serious reporting will be arbitrary and ill-defined, at best.

Our method, with is broader approach, guarantees higher-quality insights. Future Monitoring will map out what is said, where it is being said, how the discourse can affect a specific issue, and the different behavioral patterns of user clusters. By analyzing search patterns, FuMo can find potential issues before they enter the mainstream. We have seen several times how FuMo has caught big issues early when it noted an increase in searches.

FuMo delivers continues feedback and regular reporting on how public discourse is progressing. A hotly debated topic one week might evolve into responsible parties being questioned around a specific issue the week after. All of these different phases demand a wide variety of communication tools and strategies – and seeing trends before they catch on will always mean staying ahead of everybody else.

FuMo provides more information, more analysis, more data, and more insights. But most of all: more recommendations on actions that can be taken right now to help an organization grow and evolve. Every report contains action points, based on the trends we see, to help an organization set the agenda or, at the very least, to stay relevant. By identifying what people actually talk about, we can avoid out-of-context messaging and unintentionally skewing a debate. FuMo can also show how people talk about an organization and its competitors, and can even be used in crisis management to correctly judge a situation, define pros and cons, and predict what’s next.

More about the method

FuMo is done through four different phases. Many of our clients say that FuMo reporting has become an integral part in the planning of their corporate communications, and that it influences the agenda of important meetings throughout the organization.


  1. Research and data-gathering

We gather data from social media, online forums, blogs, mainstream media, industry news sites, search engines, and from any sound or video clips that might be relevant. Data is gathered continuously, and summarized in our reporting. Some clients choose to get FuMo reports every day, while others ask to receive them on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.

  1. Hypothesis

Reporting is based on a null hypothesis that serves as an overview of the discourse around the selected topic. At a set interval, we produce a trend hypothesis, to serve as a guide until the next one. The goal is to identify data that deviates from the trend and could potentially influence the discourse in the future.

  1. Data analysis

Before reporting, we do in-depth data analysis work to compare and contrast trends and any deviations that could be important going forward. The goal of the analysis is to determine how public discourse has changed in relation to the null and trend hypotheses.

  1. Conclusion and recommendations

All our research, data, and trends are summarized in a report, where we present any changes and insights. The report also features “action cards” where we give our recommendations regarding messaging and communications, based on our data and analysis.

”95 percent of the communication from organizations is one-way – rarely does anyone actually listen. In a world of increasing complexity, decisions are based more on guesswork than anything else, as organizations turn a deaf ear to the public. Listening has to be prioritized as a strategic necessity, not just as the courtesy to the one speaking.” Mats Heide, Professor in strategic communication, Lunds University